Tuesday, 12 November 2013

Winter TV Fitness Plan

One of my horoscopes this month said ‘travelling overseas is a no-no this month…there are things you can do to keep busy at home’ and another (yes I read them all) said ‘if you make a fitness promise to yourself, you’ll keep it’.  So I made a promise to get my flat stomach and thighs back in time for the spring because at the moment my abs is covered in fat. 

Saving for next year’s unplanned travels and waiting for so many of my favourite shows to return (so glad Walking Dead is back) I have no excuses not to get off the sofa, I’m broke and exercising at home is free.  The summer can be a terrible time for me and probably other lonely TV Addicts, there is nothing to watch apart from re-runs (Do TV channels think everyone is going out every night during the summer? Firstly some of us are Billy No Mates and secondly it’s the UK it rains!).  However the winter can be worse, yes there is a lot of amazing programmes to watch but this usually results in chocolate and crisps and maybe an ice cream if I’m feeling really bored and greedy.

So where do I start with this winter workout plan?  Every time I switch to the Fitness Channel it’s always adverts (remember I’m broke).  Weight loss reality shows are boring and I think excess skin should come with a ‘scenes of a stressing nature’ warning at the start of the show. Health magazines often state no eating after 8pm which is difficult when I’m watching the Hannibal box set or Walking Dead.  I did start my fitness regime with a few hours of sports this weekend…the ATP Tennis World Finals on Sky Sports and now I have BT Sport and ESPN this means I can now watch Ligue 1, for the quality of football not Frenchmen in shorts. 

No seriously I have started (honest) with the no eating after 8pm, step ups while watching 30mins sitcoms, squats when I’m waiting for the kettle to boil and a few yoga stretches and sit ups while watching the box. Some mornings before work I’m roll out of bed and try and convince myself going to the gym is a good thing. I go to the cheapest gym in Birmingham and use the bike and cross trainer and when I flagging and ready to give up on comes the Smash soundtrack or maybe my Sky Go/News app to take my mind off the pain for another 10-15 minutes.   Not sure its helping but my mood is clearer for a dull day in the office of rude and demanding emails and sitting down exercises. 

No pain no gain!

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